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DATA 2024 Annual Campaign
Help us reach our goal so we can continue the important mission of enriching the lives of Jews throughout the Dallas Metroplex, offering programming and events to create a community for Jews across the religious spectrum in Dallas!
The Thinking Jew Podcast: Ep. 77 Disconnect to Reconnect by Rabbi Moshe Segal
Have you ever felt trapped in a certain behavior pattern and struggled to break out? Often when we approach our behaviors head on, we lose badly. How can the Torah guide us in this aspect?
Free Shredding, Hazardous Chemicals & More
Free shredding event with free household chemical drop-off (oil, paint, batteries, pesticides) and free excess bulk…
DATA Rosh HaKollel to Receive the Prestigious Rebbetzin Ella & Rabbi Aaron Solovichik Ben Zakkai Award
DATA is proud to share that our Rosh HaKollel /Dean, Rabbi Yerachmiel…
Birkas HaIlanos: Blessing on Fruit Trees. Please fill out the form. We’re making a list of available fruit trees.
See at bottom for Laws of Birkas HaIlanos. ברוך אתה ד’ אלהינו…
SEED Kumzitz for the Men of the Community: Thursday, August 22, 8:30 PM
Community men’s SEED Kumzitz event on Thursday, August 22, starting at 8:30 PM.