Mazel Tov to Ohad & Maayan Naim

Mazel Tov to Ohad & Maayan Naim on the birth of a girl.
On behalf of the entire community, may the proud parents merit raising their daughter to a life of Torah, marriage, and good deeds.
Mazel Tov to Ohad & Maayan Naim on the birth of a girl.
On behalf of the entire community, may the proud parents merit raising their daughter to a life of Torah, marriage, and good deeds.
DATA of Plano with Lieutenant-Colonel Yaron, discuss the transformative events of October 7th and strategies to achieve their defined objectives.
Mazel Tov to Rabbi Yerachmiel & Becky Udman on the birth of…
Congregation Toras Chaim seeks support for Torah learning, children’s activities, and year-round programming. Join the $100,000 campaign now.
Mazel Tov to Rabbi Sholey & Chana Klein on the birth of granddaughter. Mazal…