Our Deepest Condolences to Phyllis Lavietes
Our Deepest Condolences to Phyllis Lavietes on the passing of her husband, Dan. The levaya will be in New York, Thursday, Nov. 4, 9 AM Dallas time.
Zoom Link:
Meeting ID: 770 358 1234
Password: 770
One tap mobile:
follow ID:
770 358 1234#
Shiva details:
Phyllis will be sitting first at her son’s house, 438 Sterling St., Brooklyn, NY 11225. She will then sit at her house on Sunday, 5-9 PM and Monday and Tuesday 9 AM – 12 PM, and 2 PM – 8 PM.
May the Omnipresent comfort the Phyllis among the mourners of Zion and Jerusalem.