Our Deepest Condolences to the Family of Hanna Lambert, a”h
We mourn the passing of Akiba Academy Childhood Director Hanna Lambert a”h — whose loving service spanned 50 years and rooted generations of young families and their precious children in Judaism.
Hanna is survived by her brother, Joe Goldman; two children, Craig Lambert of Connecticut and Debbie & Garry Smith of Dallas; and five grandchildren, Zachary, Sara, Nicholas Smith (Emily), Erin Gladstein (Michael), and Carolyn Smith.
The funeral service will be held at noon Sunday, May 14 Tiferet Israel Congregation (10909 Hillcrest Road, Dallas, Tx 75230). Followed by burial at Tiferet Israel’s Dolphin Road Cemetery (4634 Dolphin Road, Dallas, TX 75223 (Enter through the Shearith Israel entrance; the Tiferet Israel Cemetery is on the right.)
Shiva Times & Shiva Meals
Sunday: 6:30 to 9 pm; 8 pm Mincha/Maariv
Monday: Noon to 2 pm; 6 pm to 9 pm; 8 pm Mincha/Maariv
Tuesday: Noon to 2 pm; 7 pm to 9 pm; 8 pm Mincha/Maariv
Wednesday & Thursday: 7 pm to 9 pm; 8 pm Mincha/ Maariv
If you would like to send food to the Lambert home during Shiva
A Taste of the World Catering has set up a donation page:
Shiva Meals – Hanna Lambert
May the Omnipresent comfort Hanna’s family among the mourners of Zion and Jerusalem.