Mazel Tov to Harry & Sarina Schick
Mazel Tov to Harry & Sarina Schick on the birth of a granddaughter.
Mazel Tov to Harry & Sarina Schick on the birth of a granddaughter.
Our Deepest Condolences to Arlene Brodsky
Mazel Tov to Rabbi Yaakov & Rebbetzin Susan Rich on the birth of a grandson.
Mazel Tov to Rabbi Yehudah & Esti Abrams on the engagement of their son, Nesanel Simcha, to Penina Weitzner.
Mazel Tov to Rabbi Aryeh & Rebbetzin Chaya Feigenbaum on the birth of a grandson.
American Jewish Conservatives cordially invites you to join us for our Annual Hanukkah Celebration on Sunday, Dec. 29th @ 6PM at the wonderful Hilton Garden Inn Ballroom located at 10350 N. Central Expy, Dallas, 75231
Thursday, December, 19: Yeshiva Night. Pre-Chanukah Beis Medrash at TTI
DATA Community Kollel of DATA: Joining Together to Celebrate the Primacy of Torah in Dallas
Tune in as we unearth a profound mystery at the heart of Genesis Chapter 4: why did God reject Cain’s offering while embracing Abel’s?
The impact of a donation to Shaare Tefilla is felt far beyond the four walls of our shul building. Through engaging youth programming, and unity events like Community Shabbat Dinners, a donation to Shaare is an investment in the very future of the North Dallas community.
Mazel Tov to Rabbi Sholey & Chana Klein on the engagement of their son, Elchonon, to Basi Lerner of Baltimore.
Want us to include one that is not here. Please send us an email.
The prayer Vi’Tein Tal Umatar will begin in Maariv on Wednesday, December 4, 2024.
Sunday, Feb 2nd. 8TH Annual Dallas Stars Kosher Game Day
Mazel Tov to Rabbi Bentzi & Batya Epstein on the birth of a granddaughter.
Mazel Tov to Rabbi Yaakov & Rebbetzin Susan Rich on the birth of a grandson.
Our Deepest Condolences to Moshe Fozailoff on losing his brother, Raphael.
Want us to include one that is not here. Please send us an email.
Mazel Tov to Judy Gothelf on the birth of a great-grandson.
Our Deepest Condolences to Aliza Korrub, Rabbi Bentzion Rand, Bracha Grava and Pesal Fass