Shalom is Going Viral. Start the Spread.
A month ago, a global Shalom initiative was launched by the Chofetz Chaim Heritage Foundation as a way to bring Klal Yisroel together during these divisive times.
As a community website, we are joining the challenge to increase Shalom during the days of Sefirah, and I ask you to sign up and come along on this journey. If you haven’t participated before, you are in for a treat. If you did, there is nothing better for learning than reviewing quality material and videos like the Shalom Challenge from the Chofetz Chaim Heritage Foundation.
Click the button below to join:
For 20 days you will receive a 2 minute daily video and challenge sent directly to your email.
The Shalom Challenge has been an incredible success, with so many lives positively impacted.
More than 250 stories of transformation poured in as participants shared the incredible steps they had taken as a result. Whether the impact was increased patience, tolerance, or significant reconciliation, The Shalom Challenge made a difference in the life of every person who joined.
With warmest wishes for Bracha & Hatzlacha,
Rabbi Yaakov Rich