Texas Stands With Israel Rally

Friend — Below are the latest updates from the City of Dallas on…
The Three Weeks, beginning July 23, 2024, is a period of mourning for the destruction of the Temples, marked by fasting and refraining from joyous activities.
Mazel Tov to Rabbi Yehoshua and Jenny Quinn on the birth of…
Agudath Israel Statement on Senate Majority Leader Schumer’s Remarks
Shaare Tefilla Presents Massive Morning Minyan in Memory of Mr. Izrael Becker, z”l
Dear Friends, After having arrived back in Dallas from Israel I wanted…
Yasher Koach, Dallas!
(and what a difference from here in NYC, where Jews are chased down the streets by rabid Hamas, the NYPD can barely contain them, and the Dem politicians wring their hands, afraid to speak up for fear of antagonizing their anti semitic far Left base.
Am Yisrael Chai!
& Good Shabbos