WATCH: Rabbi Dr. Aaron Glatt Addresses The Questions And “Messaging” About The COVID Vaccine

NEW YORK (VINnews) — Last year, while most Shuls had limited and restricted Minyanim from Rosh Hashana through Simchas Torah, this year, most shuls were open for business, albeit with some cautionary guidelines.
A year ago, we were still in the “mask” and social distancing zone, this year, we sat near each other. Yet, as the doctors will tell you, we are from being out of the woods.
When the promise of a vaccine was first rolled out under the Trump Administration, many in the media, and his many political critics said, “it’s not trustworthy.” Then under the Biden Administration, the messaging became, “follow the science….it saves lives,” and while millions of people across the globe have been vaccinated, there are still many who are reluctant. Leaving out those who believe in world conspiracies, there are others who are very reasonable and intelligent people who have legitimate questions based on sound and documented research. There have been many reports of people becoming violently ill or suffering serious side effects after being vaccinated, possibly from overstimulation of the immune system, known as the Cytokine Storm. One of the questions we have is; has the messaging – which seems to change almost daily – contributed to lack of trust? Would it have been better if everyone was told to consult with their own physicians – who know the patients’ history – been more reassuring than Americans being told that everyone must take the shots and everything is safe?
Today, Alan and Baila from the VINnews podcast ‘The Definitive Rap’ sat down with Dr. Aaron Glatt to discuss these issues.
Rabbi Dr. Glatt is Board certified in Internal Medicine and Infectious Diseases, is Chairman of Medicine and Chief of Infectious Diseases / Hospital at Mount Sinai South Nassau, and a full Professor of Medicine at the Icahn School of Medicine at Mount Sinai. A spokesperson for the Infectious Diseases Society of America, he previously, was the President & CEO of St. Joseph Hospital; Executive Vice President at Mercy Medical Center; and Associate Dean at NY Medical College. He recently received the 2020 NY American College of Physicians Award and was named a Master of the American College of Physicians. He is also the author of several hundred scientific journal articles, book chapters and presentations, he has served on editorial boards and as a reviewer for many prestigious journals, has worked on many government, hospital, medical school and public health committees, and has been frequently interviewed by print, television and on-line media.
Baila Sebrow is a journalist, inspirational international speaker, and 5TJT columnist who also hosted numerous radio and Cable TV shows, including Insight/Israel. She is the Founder and President of Neshoma Advocates, Inc., servicing children and families at-risk. Baila is also an acclaimed matchmaker and relationship coach, and president of Baila Sebrow Events, LLC. She has been been featured in various publications, including The New York Times.