Updated Minyan guidance letter [With English translation]
Not a complete translation, but a review of some parts of the letter (not even in order):
Most of it is Very very specific information about daavening, upon review after yom tov. All this is with knowledge, guidance, and rules of govt. authorities.
[Obviously, This only applies to ppl who live in apartment buildings, with close neighbors]. There is great merit and reward for maintaining absolute separation, even if it means you cannot coordinate with neighbors [because your home or apartment isn’t arranged this way].
Daavening can be coordinated with people standing each individually on their own PRIVATE porches, Or each from THEIR OWN WINDOW of THEIR OWN APT, Or THEIR OWN INDIVIDUAL staircase from a private basement apt.
NOT in a parking lot… Not on landings, and NOT ON A SHARED porch. NOBODY may join by coming from a different home or apartment and standing nearby. Not even for kaddish or kedusha. Nobody may go onto someone else’s porch, G-D FORBID, even in order to layn there.
As it is written, “There is a time to embrace and a time to distance”
Instructions are stated for a gabbai to be VERY STRICT, & tell sh”tz or baalkoreh to immediately STOP, if anyone breaks these very strict rules until they completely leave the area.
All these are in accordance with government knowledge, guidance, and rules.